Lure Coursing
In lure coursing, dogs chase an artificial lure across a field, following a pattern that is meant to simulate live coursing of prey. A typical lure course is between 600 and 1000 yards (548 to 914 meters) long. The course must have a minimum number of turns in order to simulate prey (the jack-rabbit or hare) changing direction in a chase. The fields can be fenced or not. If a dog is lure focused they will typically follow the lure from start to finish and not run off course.
Sighthounds generally have no need to be trained or enticed to chase the lure since the desire to chase is instinctual. However, some breeds may require lure play at a very early age to encourage them to follow an artificial object with enthusiasm.
Dogs must be at least one year old to compete; the hard fast turns are tough on a dog's developing joints and lure coursing before the age of one can cause joint problems later in life.
We hope you enjoy our gallery of some of our members and their dogs at various running events through the years!

Three of our club members and their whippets at a lure coursing trial.
Left to Right: Eva, Heather, and Kate