Breeder Directory
This list is provided as a service and does not constitute an official endorsement of any breeder on this list. Furthermore, the WCEC does not endorse or promote one member over another.
The selection of a breeder is an important decision. We encourage any prospective whippet owner to become familiar with our breed, the breed standard, possible hereditary defects that may occur in both puppies and adults, and to have fully read and understood all of the breed information on both the National Whippet Club of Canada's and the Whippet Club of Eastern Canada websites.
This listing of breeders are members in good standing with the WCEC, and have committed to adherence to the By-Laws of both the Whippet Club of Eastern Canada and the Canadian Kennel Club.
PLEASE NOTE: If you are a member breeder who wishes to be listed on this page please contact the webmistress.

Devonair Whippets - Heather and Everett Dansereau
Jetstream Whippets - Lorraine and Gary Burch
Hounds of Freckashpeng -Steve Pedro & Paul Allard
Seaswift Whippets - Melissa Richards